Barrel Identification Engraving

Barrel Identification Engraving


Custom Barrel Identification Laser Engraving

Send in your barrel for Laser Identification Engraving. You can choose anything you want to have engraved in text on the side of the ejection port window area of your barrel. Up to 20 Characters per line Engraving will be done in Arial Bold Font.

California Compliant FMBUS Serial Number engraving: If you are required to have the additional 2 lines of engraving that do not fit on the Polymer Frames or if you need to also add the newly assigned FMBUS Serial Number



Custom Barrel Identification Laser Engraving (Deep Engraved)

Send in your barrel for Laser Identification Engraving. Select up to 4 lines of text. The engraving is DEEP ENGRAVED and not just laser marked like other engravers do so it is ATF depth approved.

Single line engraving included in price of service.
Add additional laser engraved lines for only $10 each
Your choice of up to 20 characters per line.

Most popular requested engravings:

  • Caliber Designation Engraving
  • Model Name Designation Engraving
  • California FMBUS Serial Number Engraving (For CA DOJ assigned SN only)
  • Barrel Name Engraving
  • Barrel Number Engraving

Lead time  2 – 3 Days

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